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Law: Finding Legislation

Finding a case considering legislation (e.g. section of an Act)

Use CASE CITATORS to search for cases that have considered a particular Statute (Act of Parliament), Bill or delegated/subordinate legislation ('legislation judicially considered').

Lexis+ (CaseBase):

  • Under Publications, select CaseBase Cases.
  • Enter the Legislation Title (and Provision Number) into the relevant field(s).

Westlaw (KeyCite):

  • Use the Westlaw search field to enter the name of the legislation as a phrase, eg. Trade Practices Act 1974
  • A section number can be added, but don't use any punctuation, eg. “Trade Practices Act 1974” & 52
  • Use the truncation symbol to locate all subsections, eg. Constitution & 128*
    Note: the truncation symbol varies for different databases.

Jade Citator (open access)

LawCite (open access)

Australian Legislation - free online

  • Interpretation Act 1984 (WA) - statutory interpretation: the law on interpreting legislation.
  • WA Government Gazettes -  include published Regulations, Rules (also known as subsidiary legislation) and Government notices. Online only.
    • Access PDF versions of the gazettes from 1836 to present.


Other Australian State legislation sites are below:

Extrinsic Materials - Understanding an Act

Extrinsic materials assist with understanding the intent and interpretation of legislation, and include:

The Law Library of Victoria provides a useful list of sources for Explanatory Memoranda:

Quasi-Legislative Materials

International Legislation

Free resources

  WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute) - other foreign legislation sites