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Academic Staff - Reading List: Add a new book to Reading List

Add a new book to Reading List

Add new book

Can't find an existing reading?

Create a record ‘from scratch’ therefore you will need to have the book details on hand to fill in the fields manually. Please complete as much information as possible as this will assist in creating a complete citation that the students will be able to refer to once the item is added to Reading List.

Choose the Reading Importance

Choose your Reading Importance

Then scroll down to fill in the required fields.

Fill in the source document fields

Fields with a red asterisk are mandatory and must be filled in.

The Place field is not mandatory but we suggest you fill it in so the system generated citation for the item will be complete.
The ISBN field helps staff find any missing citation details and is sent to School Locker for stockist purposes.

On the Reading section on the left hand side:

Fill in the Genre (whole book)
Fill in the Link (see box below for instructions or Locate for Library Staff to find to find.

Press Submit

Item already in Reading List

Sometimes a book may already be in the Reading List and being used for a different unit.  When this is the case, the system will suggest items that match your new reading.  You can check the Reading by clicking on the Link icon.  If one of the suggestions is the item you require, you can click the square button with a tick and the system will use the record already in the Reading List system.

If the suggestions are not what you require, click “Proceed with request

Status meanings

An explanation of statuses

Adding a Link

If the item is held at ECU, you can link from ECU Library Search to the individual book, which will then show the available locations (ie. Held in a campus library or available as an ebook). Use ECU Library Search to see whether the ECU Library holds the resource

Find the record of the book and click on “Share > Record link” on the right hand side of the page (see image below). 

Copy the link and paste into your Kind>Link field.