Note: Where the author and publisher are identical, use the word Author as the name of the publisher.
In-text Reference
End-text Reference
(reference lists require hanging indent) |
Standards (Australian) |
(Standards Australia, 2009) |
Standards Australia. (2009). Risk management: Principles and guidelines (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009). Retrieved from
Standards (International) |
(International Organization for Standardization, 2018) |
International Organization for Standardization. (2018). Occupational health and safety management systems: Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 45001:2018). Retrieved from
Electronic Sources and Locator Information
Learn how to use the two types of electronic retrieval information found in references, digital object identifiers (DOIs) and uniform resource locators (URLs), including how to cite documents retrieved from research databases and websites.
Academic Writer
© 2016 American Psychological Association.
Edith Cowan University acknowledges and respects the Noongar people, who are
the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand and its programs
In particular ECU pays its respects to the Elders, past and present, of the Noongar
people, and embrace their culture, wisdom and knowledge.