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Engineering Humanitarian Design Challenge 2025: Humanitarian Challenge

About the Challenge

The resources available on this guide will provide a starting point for your research.

There is much more information available online than you could possibly read thoroughly. When beginning research, read the titles and summaries, to help you select resources.

Consider what sort of information will help you answer the questions that arise in your project. Some design projects may touch on more than one area; for instance, sanitation may require resources from Health, Water Supply, Energy, and Infrastructure areas. You may benefit from looking at the resources on more than one page, and thinking creatively about your information needs.

This challenge gives you the opportunity to explore solutions that bring together an engineering mindset with an understanding of culture and community-based design. Through this challenge, you will recognise the importance of a place-based design approach and working alongside community members to deliver a project that addresses community-identified priorities.

Make sure you learn as much as you can about the local environment and culture for the community you select. This will help you uncover the needs of the population your project will serve, and the opportunities and challenges that will influence your proposal. By taking the time to understand the broad context that your projects sits within, you will develop an idea that is not only technically feasible, but relevant and exciting for your stakeholders!

Humanitarian Design Project Resources