When dealing with people you need to understand that not everyone will hold the same beliefs, understandings, and perspectives as you. People are all unique in their own ways. When in a workplace you will encounter a large range of people with their own backgrounds, history, biases, and assumptions.
Visit the ECU CareerHub for more information, resources and support on career options and how to work with diverse perspectives.
Being able to interact with others is also being able to accept their diverse perspectives and work with them to get the job done. This is the ability to:
Diversity in a workplace can be a range of different things. Here are some ways that people can be diverse, and some links to how ECU acknowledge and provide insight into these diverse views:
There are a few things that you can do to begin exploring inclusiveness both for yourself and for others.
Alliant International University. (n.d.) What are the 4 types of diversity? [Blog]. https://www.alliant.edu/blog/what-are-4-types-diversity
Deloitte. (2011). Only skin deep? Re-examining the business case for diversity. https://www.ced.org/pdf/Deloitte_-_Only_Skin_Deep.pdf
Cross, T.L., Bazron, B.J.,Dennis, K.W., & Isaacs, M.R. (1989, March). Towards a culturally competent system of care. https://spu.edu/-/media/academics/school-of-education/Cultural-Diversity/Towards-a-Culturally-Competent-System-of-Care-Abridged.ashx
Government of Western Australia, Public Sector Commission. (2020). Workforce diversification and inclusion strategy for WA public sector employment 2020-2025. https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/workforce-diversification-and-inclusion-strategy-wa-public-sector-employment-2020-2025
Philips, K.W. (2014, October 1). How diversity makes us smarter. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-diversity-makes-us-smarter/
Smith, P.M. (2013). Beyond diversity: Moving towards inclusive work environments. In K. Blessinger & P. Hrycaj (Eds.), Workplace culture in academic libraries: The early 21st century (pp.99-110). Chandos Publishing.
Victoria State Government, Premier and Cabinet. (2019). Diversity and inclusion strategy 2019-2020. https://content.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-07/DPC-Diversity-and-Inclusion-Strategy-2019-23.PDF