Decisions come up all the time both in a work environment and everyday life. Some decisions may seem straight forward such as 'where to have lunch today' but some decisions that you make may be complex involving many variables and people. Good decision making skills both from a objective task oriented and an ethical and social perspective is an important skill to have when looking at employment in any workplace.
Visit the ECU CareerHub for more information, resources and support on career options and how to improve your decision making skills.
A breakdown of decision making skills are:
Making decisions can be a process. For complex multivariable decisions you may need to consider all the factors before making your choice so that you take into account things your decision will effect. Some approaches that you can take to help you with your decision making process can be:
Brodhead, M. T., Cox, D. J., & Quigley, S. P. (2018). Chapter 2 - Contextual Factors That Influence Ethical Decision-Making. In M. T. Brodhead, D. J. Cox, & S. P. Quigley (Eds.), Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (pp. 17-33). Academic Press.
Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education and Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2013). Core skills for work developmental framework.
Integrating Ethics: From Thought to Action. (2015). Integrating ethics: Ethical decision making [Video]. YouTube.
Kaner, S. (2014). Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making (3rd ed.). John wiley & Sons.
SkillsYouNeed. (n.d.). Effective decision making.
The Ethics Centre. (2020). Ethical decision making [Video]. YouTube.