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Evidence-Based Practice for Health: Ask a clinical question


To begin the process you need to ask an answerable question which will help you find the evidence to support your decision. A good starting point is to use the PICO framework.





This video from the University of Queensland provides a clear explanation of PICO. 

The PICO framework can be used as a guide to formulate your clinical question.

Patient / Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome

Describe the population or problem

  • children with asthma
  • long term smoker
  • pregnant women

What do you want to know?

  • more effective treatment
  • more reliable test

What are you comparing?

  • the standard treatment
  • no comparison

What is your desired outcome?

  • less side effects
  • faster recovery
Types of Questions

There are different types of evidence-based research questions. These include therapy, diagnosis, aetiology, prevention and prognosis.

Therapy: A comparison of the effectiveness of two types of treatment.

In _[Patient/Problem]__ how does _[Intervention]__ compared to _[Comparison]__ effect _[Outcome]__?

In long term smokers how does the use of nicotine patches compared to no treatment (going 'cold turkey') effect their ability to stop smoking?

Diagnosis: A comparison between the accuracy of diagnostic tests.

Are _[Intervention]__ more accurate in diagnosing _[Problem]__ compared to _[Comparison]__ ?

Are mammograms more accurate in diagnosing breast cancer compared to ultrasounds?

Aetiology: Looks at the cause or origin to determine if someone has an increased risk of developing a disease or condition.

Are _[Population]__ who have _[Exposure]__ more at risk for developing _[Outcome]__ ?

Are Australians who have plenty of exposure to the sun more at risk of developing skin cancer than Russians?

Prevention: How to reduce the risk of this disease/ condition.

For _[Patient]__  does the use of _[Intervention]__ reduce the risk of  _[Outcome]__  compared to _[Comparison]__?

For adult patients in the ICU, do basin-less baths reduce the risk of acquiring resistant microorganisms (Eg. MRSA) compared to basin baths?

Prognosis: What is the likely outcome, progression or survival time for this condition.

Does _[Intervention]__ influence _[Outcome]__ in patients who are _[Problem]__ ?

Does daily exercise influence overall health in patients who are obese?



Now you can have a go at creating your own questions using this interactive module from the Clinical Information Access Portal.