Creative Commons (CC) is a copyright-based system of modular licenses or "permissions" for the use of copyright materials.
Depending on the permissions the licenser allows, you can copy, publish in digital form, publicly perform (all or in part) according to a combination of these general, baseline rights:
How Can I use Creative Commons?
If you want to use an image, video clip, document or work under a Creative Commons license, there are different license terms. The most basic license allows you to copy, distribute, display, perform, edit, remix and build upon the work for commercial or non commercial purposes, provided you attribute the creator, additional creators and link to the source. A CC license may have one or more additional elements which carry further licensing terms. Refer to choose a license at
Importantly, any work you create may also be made Creative Commons if you wish others to be able to use it. See the License Builder.
What is Creative Commons? From V. Grigas, 2017. Copyright 2017 Wikimedia Foundation. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike License v 3.0, Retrieved from
There are six standardised CC licenses. Each of the CC licenses grants certain baseline permissions, authorising people to re-use the material without additional permissions, provided they comply with core conditions, as well as all other general terms in the license.
The core conditions are:
BY | NC | ND |
SA |
All Creative Commons License images from Creative Commons, n.d. Retrieved from Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0:
Allows users to distribute, remix and build upon a work, and create Derivative Works – even for commercial use – provided they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties).
Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 Int As above but any new creations based on the work must also be licensed under the same terms. |
Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) 4.0 Int As CC BY but only for Non-Commercial purposes. Derivative Works do not have to be Shared Alike. |
Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0 Int Lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if it is for non-commercial purposes, they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties) and they license their derivative works under the same terms. |
Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND) 4.0 Int As CC BY but no Derivative works are allowed.
Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 Int The most restrictive of the six main licences, allowing redistribution of the work in its current form only. This licence is often called the ‘free advertising’ licence because it allows others to download and share the work as long as they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties), they don’t change the material in any way and they don’t use it commercially. |
Note: A license cannot feature both the Share Alike and No Derivative Works options. The Share Alike requirement applies only to derivative works.
CC0 enables scientists, educators, artists and other creators and owners of copyright- or database-protected content to waive those copyright interests in their works and thereby place them as completely as possible in the public domain, so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.
Read the CC0 FAQ Read the CC0 summary and legal text.
All Creative Commons License images from Creative Commons, n.d. Retrieved from Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0:
Creative Commons provides an easy Web form to decide on the license that best suits your purposes to release your work. See below for an overview of the attributes of your license.
Creative Commons matrix. From R. Lutchman, n.d. Retreived from Used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Edith Cowan University acknowledges and respects the Noongar people, who are
the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand and its programs
In particular ECU pays its respects to the Elders, past and present, of the Noongar
people, and embrace their culture, wisdom and knowledge.