Search Library catalogue (subject and statistics) e.g. health status and Australia and statistics.
You can also search evaluated websites of government and professional organisations, for example:
Australian Bureau of Statistics publications
Austalian Department of Health and Ageing
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
National Health and Medlcal Research Council
World Health Organisation: Data and Statistics
BioMed Central open access to full text journals in the biomedical sciences
Evolution Research News Note : check Library catalogue for full text of Journals
Human Biology Association (USA)
Human Genome Project Information
National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Human Genome Research Institute
PubMed (internet version of Medline. Link via the Library)
Society for the Study of Human Biology (UK)
Virology on the WWW : a guide to virology information on the internet
PubMed database is an internet version of Medline produced by the National Library of Medicine in the United States.
Open access articles are freely available in PubMed. To ensure that you also have access to journal articles available on subscription through ECU Library, link to PubMed via the Library.
PubMed search results will then also include a FindIt link to locate full text articles available via ECU.
What's the Difference Between MEDLINE and PubMed? Fact Sheet explains the additional features of PubMed.
Google Scholar: If searching Google Scholar, set preferences to Edith Cowan University to link to full text held at ECU.
It is automatic if on campus. Off campus users need to change their Google preferences to Edith Cowan University to set up a library link in Google Scholar. This enables ECU staff and students to link directly to full-text journal articles and books held at ECU Library.
Follow these steps to set up Library Links in Google Scholar on your own computer:
1. Go to Google Scholar Preferences (
2. Type Edith Cowan University in the Library Links text box
3. Check the box next to Edith Cowan University Library - Find It@ECU
4. Click Save Preferences
Next time you search Google Scholar, you will see Find It@ECU link below the results. This will take you directly to ECU Library's link to resources.
Edith Cowan University acknowledges and respects the Noongar people, who are
the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand and its programs
In particular ECU pays its respects to the Elders, past and present, of the Noongar
people, and embrace their culture, wisdom and knowledge.