Research data is critical to solving the big questions of our time. So what are some of the issues we face in managing research data?
Policy statement on F.A.I.R. access to Australia’s research outputs. (2016). Universities Australia Deputy Vice Chancellors (Research) Committee Working Group
Find out more about F.A..I.R via the following webinars:
Researchers have responsibilities with regards to managing their research data. Governments and universities all around Australia and the world are now encouraging researchers to better manage their data so others can use it. Research data might be critical to solving the big questions of our time, but so much data is being lost or poorly managed.
1. Review the Policy Statement on F.A.I.R. Access to Australia's Research Outputs. As a researcher, what does F.A.I.R. mean to you?
2. Take a look at the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Section 2 on Management of Research Data and Primary Materials. (Note: Code is currently under review) What are some of the researcher’s responsibilities identified in the code?
3. Scan through the guide to Research Data Management in Practice. Look carefully at Figure 1 Key Steps in Research Data Management, Section 3: Steps in Research Data Management.
4. The following 4.40mins cartoon put together by the New York University Health Sciences Library, is about what happens when a researcher hasn't managed their data (at all…). As you watch the cartoon, jot down the data management mistakes made by the researcher.
Have a look at the the Figshare report on global trends around open data.
"Big Data" is a term we're hearing about with increasing frequency. Data management for Big Data brings much complexity - citing dynamic data, software, high volume compute, storage costs, transfer of petabytes of data, preservation, provenance, more.
1. Read the following post and presentation titled: "Big Data: The 5Vs Everyone Must Know. This article uses 5V's: volume, variety, velocity, veracity and value as a concept for how big data can be managed more successfully.
2. Consider whether the concept of 5Vs is useful to support better management and reuse of marine science “Big Data”
3. Scan through the Western Australia’s Blueprint for Marine Science Initiative (Implementation Strategy 2016-2018) and review some of the data priorities (p.17) identified in the document.
4. The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre located in Perth, Western Australia supports researchers across Australia with an array of capabilities encompassing supercomputing, data and visualisation services.
Review some of the interesting research projects that involve the use of big data undertaken at the centre:
5. Click below link to read more about the data storage services available at Pawsey.
The Library facilitates a range of workshops specifically designed to assist research staff and higher degree by research students. All of the Library Research Services workshops are currently being offered in online format due to concerns around COVID-19. Please view our updated workshop page below.
Edith Cowan University acknowledges and respects the Noongar people, who are
the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand and its programs
In particular ECU pays its respects to the Elders, past and present, of the Noongar
people, and embrace their culture, wisdom and knowledge.