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Indigenous Australian Studies Guide: Journal articles and Databases

A guide for Australian Indigenous Studies

Finding Articles

Journals for Indigenous Studies may be either hard copy or electronic. Journal articles can be searched for in ECU WorldSearch, through one of our databases, or through Browzine.

Browzine allows you to browse ECU library's journals by subject or title, create a personal bookshelf and be alerted when new issues of journals are published, but you cannot search it for individual articles, only by journals.


 There are numerous useful databases for Indigenous Australian Studies.

Indigenous Studies

  • AHB-ATSIS - Australian Heritage Bibliography - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Subset -  Produced by the Australian Heritage Commission, this database subset focuses on Australia's natural and cultural heritage specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

  • AIATSIS - Indigenous Studies Bibliography - Covers published and unpublished material on Australian Indigenous studies and is compiled by Pat Brady, Barry Cundy and Alana Garwood at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Library.

  • APA-FT - Covers current affairs, economics, humanities, law, literature, politics and social sciences and is produced by the National Library of Australia.   

  • AusAnthrop  - AusAnthrop is an on-line database on Australian Aboriginal tribes, nations, languages, and dialectal groups. It is a reference database that should help to find a tribe or language from the many alternative names and spellings used in the literature. .

  • AustLit - provides authoritative information on creative and critical works by and relating to Australian writers, relevant cultural organisations, and industries.

  • Humanities and Social Sciences Collection - Covers agriculture, arts, Asian studies, business, cultural studies, education, history, indigenous studies, law, media, political science, reference, social sciences, science and technology.

  • Indigenous Australia - Represents the collections of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Library and covers Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander studies, stolen generation, arts, racism, and discrimination.

  • Indigenous Collection - provides a range of resources relevant to indigenous studies, in subject areas including anthropology, cultural studies, law and land rights, sociology and performing arts.

  • Infokoori - provides an index to the Koori Mail..


Indigenous Education

  • A+ Education - Covers curriculum, educational research, information science, librarianship, management, policy administration, psychology, sociology, teaching and training.

Indigenous Health

  • APAIS-Health - Australian Public Affairs Information Service - Health - Covers health and medicine in Australia and in particular the legal, social, economic and ethical aspects of health.
  • Health Collection - Content includes research articles, reports and case studies of practical support to anyone studying or working in therapeutic, diagnostic and preventative health roles.

  • RURAL - Rural and Remote Health Database - Covers rural and remote area health issues and care, and the practice and educational needs of health providers, in particular medical practitioners and nurses.

  • The Lowitja Institute : published research  Australia's National Institute for Aborigainal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research.

  • Ausgtralian Indigenous HealthInfoNet   The HealthInfoNet's translational research aims at providing the knowledge and other information needed for practitioners and policy-makers to make informed decisions in their work.

Indigenous Law

  • AGIS-ATSIS - Attorney-General's Information Service - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Subset - Covers all aspects of law and is produced by the AGIS Section of the Lionel Murphy Library, Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department in Canberra.

  • CINCH-ATSIS - Australian Criminology Database - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Subset - Covers all aspects of crime and criminal justice relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

  • FAMILY-ATSIS - Australian Family and Society Abstracts Database - Aboriginal and Torres Islander Subset - Covers research, policy and practice issues about, or of relevance to, Australian families relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and is produced by the Australian Institute of Family Studies.