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Criminology and Justice: Sentencing Materials

Finding Sentencing Decisions

Sentencing Decisions
To locate Australian sentencing decisions for specific offenses, and the range of mitigating and aggravating considerations that can impact on a sentence, search in Australian Current Law - Reporter in Lexis Advance.
Sentencing Remarks

At the time an offender is sentenced in court a judge states, either orally or in writing, the reasons why a particular sentence is passed on an offender. These sentencing remarks are often published on Australian court websites.

For Western Australian courts, selected sentencing remarks are available on the Supreme Court and District Court websites.

Note: These are more particular and personal than sentencing decisions, and may be edited to provent identification of victims.

Sentencing remarks and reasons are, on occasion and for limited periods of time, made publicly available via court websites. 

Commentaries are a secondary source of information that will assist you to interpret the law and gain an understanding of the subject area. The databases below contain a wide variety of commentary on sentencing.